A luxurious body treatment utilizing the powerful anti-oxidant and exfoliating properties of the grape. The Champagne & Roses Butter Cream Wrap contains Shea butter, Grape Seed as well as a large variety of phytonutrients with anti-oxidant properties including; vitamins, phenols, cartenoids and flavonoids. Sun damaged and dehydrated skin is particularly suited to this Wrap.

Items needed for treatment: Blanket, Sheet, Keyano Thermal Plastic Wrap, Champagne & Rose Scrub, Champagne & Rose Butter Cream.
Step 1: Prepare the table with a blanket, sheet & towel.
Step 2: Pour 1 1/2 oz. of Champagne & Roses Butter Cream in a bowl and keep warm.
Step 3: Escort client to treatment table and have them lie face down and cover with a towel.
Step 4: Pour 2 oz. of Champagne & Rose Scrub in a bowl. Begin at the feet, moisten area prior
to applying Champagne & Rose Scrub with a fast-circular motion up the entire back of the body until skin feels smooth. Have client turn over & repeat procedure.
Continue with the entire body always in the direction of the heart.
The abdomen area is applied in a clockwise circular motion.
Escort client to shower. While client is in shower put plastic sheet on table. If a shower is not available use wet warm towels to remove scrub
Step 5: Escort client back to the table lying face down, apply warm Champagne & Rose Butter Cream liberally to the back. Have client roll over and continue to apply to the rest of the body. Do not apply to the bottom of the feet in case client has to leave the table. Only use one hand for application and apply as quickly as possible so client will not become cold.
Optional: Perform a massage using the Champagne & Rose Butter Cream rather than wrapping the client.
Step 6: Wrap client in plastic wrap & cover with sheet and blanket. Keep client as warm as possible.
Step 7: Time for 20 minutes. Perform a relaxing scalp massage while client is resting. This treatment can also be done in a shorter time frame by just applying Champagne & Rose Butter Cream following the scrub as opposed to leaving the cream on for 20 minutes.
Step 8: Unwrap and massage remaining cream that has not been absorbed.
Step 9: Have client rest and drink plenty of water.
Recommended Home Care:
Champagne & Rose Butter Cream, Champagne & Rose Scrub, Champagne & Rose Hand & Body Lotion, Champagne & Rose Shower Gel.